For the Love of Zoos

Two months ago, after literal years of applying to zoos* across (I counted) 26 States, I finally started a full-time,…


The Devastating Magic of Seward, Alaska

There’s something truly magical about a small town on the Kenai Peninsula in southeast Alaska. A magic that makes it…


The Outskirts of Grief

March 10, 2019I'm sitting on the couch watching Hulu and scrolling through Facebook. We have an old TV, inherited from…


Grief, loss, pain, fear and other awful things

The cat got sick on the floor today but I step over it. Normally, I'd rush to his aid, cleaning…


Regarding Alaska, and Dogs

I'm mulling over the possibility of applying for jobs in Alaska and, consequently, fulfilling a life-long dream of going dog…


Oy with the poodles already

There are so many more important things I could be blogging about. A wrap up on my semester abroad. A…


In Progress

A note: Not all Wordpress themes are created equal. Many are designed by unique individuals who put their own spin…


When in Ireland

You drink. And if you're not a big fan of Guinness or other beers, it's expensive. The first couple of…


Europe’s Trying to Kill Me

Normally, I'm a planner. I like charts, pro/con lists, schedules and being apart from my planner gives me anxiety. Normally, I'm…


Home away from home away from home

Whenever I meet people here, one of their first questions is "Where are you from?". It seems like an easy…
